September 13, 2011

Time to Blog!!

Daily I sit here and think about how fast my kids are growing and turning into their own individual people.  Ryan is just a little ball of energy that started Kindergarten this year and we are having a little bit of a rough start with that.  I think he gets bored in school.  A lot of the things he is assigned to do for his homework, are things that he already knows.  I am excited thought that he is learning his letter sounds and before to long I think we will have an awesome reader on our hands.  I will no longer be reading him stories, he will be reading them to me. 

Now onto my Katie monster, well she is not really a monster, lol.  She will be 2 in October and boy is her little personality coming through.  She knows how to get us to do stuff for her by poking us or handing us her sippy cup that needs to be refilled.  She even puts her empty snack bowls in the sink.  Everyday it seems she learns a new word.  Her new favorite word is "three".  I think she enjoys the way it sounds when she says it.  I can't get her to say "Momma" even though I know that she can say it.  It is always "Dadda", I think she does it just to pick on me.  Katie is such a girly girl.  She loves her pretties and loves dressing up and especially loves her stuffed Minnie Mouse.  Katie is such a sensitive little girl too.  If you raise your voice to her to loudly when she is doing something she is not supposed to, she gets the little pouty lip and gets tears in her eyes and puts her hands in front of her face.  It is cute but sad at the same time.  I always have to give her lovins when she gets like that.

I am working on my fourth term in college and this term seems pretty easy compared to my summer term.  My summer term was 16 weeks of work crunched into 8 weeks, so now this term seems to be pretty smooth sailing and not so rush rush.  I am enjoying school and I always have enjoyed learning new things.  I am ready to be finished though and find an awesome job to help support my family.  I can't wait to finally have money to be able to do things again.  Maybe even find a babysitter once a month so hubby and I can go out together and enjoy some quality alone time.  I am excited for the future!!!